[Guest Lecture] Consulting Methods And Practice -Project Management
管理學院榮幸地邀請到深耕IT產業多年,具有豐富專案管理經驗的郭仕杰講師(Jacky Kuo),至「企業諮詢方法與實作」課程,進行專案管理(Project Management)相關概念的分享。
郭仕杰透過以往執行Tablet PC專案的實際經驗開始解說專案管理的流程。郭仕杰指出,產品開發專案的每個階段都有需要達成的里程碑(Milestone),而這些里程碑則是掌握專案是否能如期完成的重要指標。如果遇到大型專案,郭仕杰表示或許可以透過工作分解結構(Work Breakdown Structure)這項工具,來將大目標拆解成數個容易管理的小目標,控制專案執行的狀況並預測後續的專案執行脈絡。
郭仕杰也提醒大家,在進行專案管理時,要確定專案活動之間的依賴關係,試圖減少活動間的依賴,降低風險的產生。另外,建立專案時程時可以活用甘特圖(Gantt Chart)刻劃出專案的持續時間,並針對關鍵要徑(Critical Path)進行優化。
郭仕杰深入探討專案管理的定義以及重要概念,並分析專案經理(Project manager)和計畫經理(Program manager)兩者在職責上的差異。郭仕杰認為專案管理者的職責不只是整合資源,更要去了解產業環境、市場脈動,進而找出身為專案管理者的附加價值。
Jacky Kuo, a NSYSU alumnus, was invited back to NSYSU by College of Management, hoping to share some of his experiences in Project Management. Jacky Kuo used to be the head of BU at Acer. Currently, he works as a corporate venture capitalist and senior consultant at Wistron.
In the first half of the speech, Jacky presented the Tablet PC project to explain the project management process. Jacky pointed out that at each stage of the product development process, there are several milestones to be reached which are important key performance indicators to tell whether a project is performing the process well or poorly. When dealing with a relatively larger project, Jacky suggested that the tool of work breakdown structure may be useful to dissect a large goal into several small sectors that are easier to manage. Mastering the tool could control the project and predict the upcoming situations.
Jacky also reminded that when everyone conducting project management, it is necessary to determine the dependency relationship between project activities. Be sure to reduce the dependency and the risk between activities as much as possible. Besides, the Gantt Chart can be used to create a visual view of the entire project. Once project managers have a clear picture of the whole project, then they can optimize the critical path and improve overall efficiency.
In the second half of the speech, Jacky dived into the definition and importance of project management and analyzed the differences in responsibilities between the project manager and the program manager. Jacky thought that the responsibility of a project manager is not only to integrate resources but also to understand the industrial environment and market. If project managers could understand the market, then they would add more value to the company.
At the end of the speech, Jacky also advised students who would work on consulting projects this semester. Jacky suggested that students should not look for information with open access, instead, they should listen to customers' needs carefully. By doing so, they would have a better chance to succeed in helping the client.