Guest Lecture & Field Trip Mr. Lucas Lanski & HCP Pump Manufacturer Co., Ltd


On 9th April 2021, Dr. Ryan Brading invited Lucas Lanski, one of our GHRM MBA alumni to be the guest speaker for students attending the courses: ‘Sustainability of Global Enterprise’, ‘Entrepreneurship Management and Practice, and ‘Productions and Operations Management’. Lucas is currently working for HCP Pump Manufacturer Co., Ltd. (HCP Pump), which is located in Pingtung, Taiwan. Despite his busy schedule, we were very grateful that he still managed to find time and share with us his inspiring stories and unique experiences in Taiwan.


The title of his topic was: “Surviving, studying, working and exploring: Taiwan from a foreign outlook”. Lucas’s lively and energetic personality brightened up the lecture room. The word “Bridge” as a metaphor was used to illustrate his daily commuting journey to Pingtung, but also, describe how he connects Taiwan with his homeland Poland. During the three-hour lecture, group discussions were held after he shared with students the context of the topics to be discussed.


After brainstorming and raising questions to Mr. Lanski, the lecture concluded when students began to  present and share their ideas. Afterwards, we all took a group picture to remember this unique occasion.


In the afternoon, a field trip was arranged and students attending the morning guest lecture – went to visit HCP Pump Manufacturer Co., Ltd. (HCP Pump). Upon arrival, Mr. Lanski's colleague, Mr. Chester Wu, International Sales Supervisor, presented the company. Chester stressed that HCP Pump is globally well-known. Apart from having most of the shares in the Taiwanese market, it also sells its products in more than 60 countries worldwide. Their pumps are high quality and have been used in a variety of industries (e.g., Taiwan High-Speed Rail - HSR).


The students were then divided into two groups and started the tour around the factory. The whole process of manufacturing a pump was introduced, including how the assembly line works, and how the engine (heart of pump) is assembled. The tour guides also took the students to their laboratory where they tested the pumps, and where the biggest pump HCP makes can be seen.


The tour finally came to the company's showroom, where they demonstrated how the products work. Ending with a Q&A session, many interesting questions were raised and the students discussed what they had learned during this well-organized tour at HCP. This field trip concluded by offering  a NSYSU certification of appreciation to the International Sales Manager, Ms. Christine Lai,  and a group picture was taken to commemorate this exceptional learning experience for GHRM MBA and IBMBA students that day. It was a very successful and interesting day and the “bridge” between HCP Pump and the College of Management at NSYSU was built.

Ibmba Nsysu