The Virtual International Lounge - Distance makes our heart grow fonder

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11th June 2021, the Student Association of International Programs (SA) held the "International Lounge" activity. It is an important event every semester that is mainly for introducing the election candidates' teams for the following student association. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the event can’t be held like every other year, but that didn't stop the SA from running this event. Where there is a will, there is a way. The SA holds it virtually by Google Meet, which empowers the chance to let our program's students know more about the candidates and realize which team is the most appropriate for the position.

The event started at 8 pm and began with a speech from the 7th SA president, Lim Yin Hui (Rossie), briefing the Term-end report and summarizing the events that have been conducted for the spring semester. Overall, they have organized 8 SA events in various types, such as Lantern Festival Activity, Photo Contest-Living in harmony with Nature, Language Exchange, Gathering with Faculties, Black Valentines Party, Resume and Interview Workshop, International Lounge, and finally the Election, and assisted 4 events for the College of Management, in total with 12 events during their term. Rossie thanked everyone for always supporting them throughout the semester and cherished the chance to be allowed to serve them. She was highly thankful for the efforts of vice presidents Sam Lee and Erica Liu. It would have been impossible to take on so many responsibilities and tasks without them.

Afterward, all of the 3 SA candidates' teams for the upcoming SA election presented their mission, future plan, and campaign promises. The first team was Team 3_M.T.M, with the slogan "Let's Make iT Marvelous" composed of Tomas Kejha (1st-year GHRM MBA student) running for president, Melody Hsueh (1st-year IBMBA student), and Michal Poláček(1st-year GHRM MBA student) running for vice presidents. If elected, they wish to become the bridge between students and faculty and help the students to improve expertise through the workshops. Some highlights of their plans include Sports Day Gathering & Buffet, Thanksgiving Day with turkey fight, Christmas Ball, and many more.

Team 1_We Hear You includes Reianthong Vongsangkam (Purm) (1st-year GHRM MBA student) for the post of president, Jonathan Yu (1st-year IBMBA student), and Cao Huynh Hong Phan(Rosie) (1st-year GHRM MBA student) for the post of vice presidents. If elected as the next SA team, they want to focus more on the academic parts. Their vision is to build an inclusive community, let students bring out their fullest potential, fulfill their university life's goals through social activities, Career Development, improve operational management, such as complete thesis, and earn more incentives and experience through the jobs. Lastly, Team 2_Y.S.J. with the slogan "make your MBA life valuable" consisting of Yvonne Liu (1st-year IBMBA student) serving as president, Sarka Horáková (1st-year GHRM MBA student) and Jennifer Chiang (1st-year IBMBA student) serving as vice presidents. If they are elected, they want to focus on building the network and the structure of students' future through academic programs and fun activities such as MBA High Table Gathering, Career Fair & Ph.D. Advising Workshop, Educational Virtual Conference, Abroad Study Advising, International Students Support, BBQ night, and social activities.

The International Lounge has been an avenue to gather 41 students of IBMBA, GHRM MBA, dual degree students virtually under the circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many passionate and talented students would like to serve and help other students to gain better experience during their MBA life and promote the International Programs (IBMBA and GHRM MBA) with their creative and innovative ideas. This event was not only a great way to keep the relationships close between students and hear the students' voices, but also provides the ambitious students to leap at the chance for promoting their thoughts for the positions of the Student Association, which would make the program better.

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Ibmba Nsysu