The Online Seminar for IBMBA Local Freshmen

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The Online Seminar for IBMBA Local Freshmen

IBMBA of the college of management, NSYSU is ready to welcome the freshmen next semester, and it held the first online seminar for the local freshmen before enrollment. At the beginning of the seminar, students were first introduced to the IBMBA program, its ranking and positioning in the world. IBMBA is ranked 85th in the 2020 Financial Times Master in Management, 14th in Asia and no. 1 in Taiwan. IBMBA program coordinator Yvonne said that after enrolling, students can not only participate in courses taught in English in IBMBA, but also interact and study with foreign students in the classes and experience the international learning environment; they can also seize the opportunity to apply for dual degree programs stretching from America, Asia and Europe. For example, the dual degree in cooperation with KEDGE Business School which is in the top 10 in France is only open for application to IBMBA students, in addition, the courses offered by the college of management, NSYSU are also open to all IBMBA students. Studying for IBMBA, you are able to acquire the business management knowledge and have abundant opportunities to obtain dual degrees from prestigious foreign universities.

Li Tan - Liya, the third year of IBMBA student, who has just completed a dual degree in International Business at the BSB Burgundy School of Business in France, and has just returned to IBMBA in NSYSU, shared her experience of studying in France; because the main campus is located in Dijon, the environment is safe and peaceful, and the transportation is very convenient, also there is a vineyard near BSB makes the learning environment is more comfortable, and the BSB courses are very solid, international students make up 25% of the total number of students, it let the class to be more cross-cultural stimulation in learning. Regarding the thesis, Liya shared that if students cannot find an advisor, BSB also provides services to help students assign professors so that students can complete their studies at Burgundy School of Business more smoothly. Liya encourages everyone not to miss courses on sustainable development-related topics when attending the BSB class, because the EU is now focusing on the sustainable development goals of enterprises, and the EU is also the world leader in this regard. Students should use the resources provided by BSB to think more about sustainable development issues. At the end of the sharing, Liya emphasized how to protect yourself, pay attention to local news, and learn about local medical resources are very important, so that you can focus on your studies more at ease under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

TzuHsiu Yuan - Gary, an IBMBA second year student who has just finished his internship in the Risk Consulting Department of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, also had an internship in the General Manager's Office of Air Liquide, Gary then shared his experience regarding participating in internships and business competitions. Gary said that the main reason he got the internship opportunity was that he participated in various courses during his studies at IBMBA and the college of management of NSYSU, which consolidated his knowledge of business management so that he could use a more complete and logical narrative to convince the interview supervisor during the interview, then get an internship opportunity in a foreign company. Because the practical experience learned in the internship in foreign companies was applied to the subsequent Hult Prize business competition, Gary and his teammates won second place regionally, which everything is interlinked. Gary then encourages future freshmen, do not miss any learning opportunities that can make you powerful while studying at IBMBA, seizing the time stayed in IBMBA and NSYSU during the upcoming two years!

At the end of the seminar, Yvonne said that IBMBA is located in the beautiful XiziWan, with unique magnificent mountains and seas. It is an academic institution that can relieve the pressure of studying. Students can also expand their horizons and make foreign friends through the international environment of the college of management. Yvonne hopes that  IBMBA students can all become international talents that the global business market is seeking for after two years of solid study in NSYSU!

IBMBA 110學年度本籍新生線上說明會

管院國際經營管理碩士學程IBMBA準備迎接下一學期的新生並於日前舉辦入學前第一場本籍新生線上說明會。說明會一開始,首先向新生們介紹IBMBA學程和學程在全球的排名與定位,IBMBA於2020年英國金融時報FT MiM全球管理學碩士排行榜拿下第85名殊榮,亞洲第14名,更是全台第一名。IBMBA學程行政人員Yvonne表示學生入學後除了能參與所內開設英語授課之商管課程,並藉此於課堂和外國學生互動、體驗國際化的上課環境外;更可以把握申請雙學位的機會,例如:和法國排名前10強的KEDGE高等商學院合作之雙學位只有IBMBA的學生可參加;另外在中山管院開設的課程只要是英語授課皆開放給所有IBMBA的學生修課,可說是就讀IBMBA一併享有中山管院的專業商管教學資源,同時取得國外名校雙學位機會。

甫結束法國BSB勃艮第商學院International Business雙學位學程,剛回到中山IBMBA的譚莉學姐並分享於法國就讀之經驗;因主校區位於第戎,環境安全祥和、交通十分方便,一大片葡萄園圍繞在學校附近,學習環境愜意自在,且BSB的課程十分扎實,超過25%是國際生,在學習上會有更多跨文化的刺激。而針對學弟妹關心的論文議題,譚莉學姐分享若同學在找法國指導教授上力不從心,校方亦提供幫忙分配指導教授給學生的服務,好讓同學可以更順利完成於勃艮第商學院的學業,而譚莉學姐更鼓勵大家在BSB上課時不要錯過永續發展相關議題的課程,因為歐盟現正注重企業的永續發展目標,並且此議題歐盟也是世界的領頭羊,應當藉由BSB提供的資源針對永續發展議題多做琢磨。分享末了,更以自身經驗分享,如何保護自己、隨時關注當地新聞並了解在地醫療資源,讓自己在新冠疫情影響下更安心專注在課業學習。

而剛結束於Deloitte勤業眾信風險諮詢顧問部門實習,並且也曾在法商Air Liquide總經理辦公室實習過的IBMBA袁子修學長也進行實習、商業競賽參與經驗的分享。子修學長表示自己得到實習機會主因是在IBMBA和中山管院就讀時參與各種不同的課程,強化自己在商管專業上的知識,好在面試時發揮並用更完整有邏輯的敘述方式來說服面試主管,進而入取在外商實習機會,也因為在外商實習所學到的實務經驗,又應用於之後參與的Hult Prize霍特獎商業競賽,而勇奪全國第二名的佳績,一切環環相扣,所以子修學長鼓勵未來的新生,不要錯過任何在IBMBA就讀時可以讓自己強大的學習機會,好好把握兩年多在中山管院的光陰!

Ibmba Nsysu