IBMBA team entered top 5 for Graduate League at the Grossman School of Businesses 8th Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition (SG-FECC)


The 8th annual Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition Finalist

It was 9 PM on January 9th and the motivated yet fatigued students from NSYSU were frantically rehearsing their hastily prepared speeches for the final round of the competition as their composed advisor-coach, observed from across the room. After 48 grueling hours of preparations, the competitors were about to present to a daunting panel of judges from all different backgrounds around the world, from distinguished professors to CEO of highly regarded family enterprises, for the final round of the competition. Although all three IBMBA students, Stan Tsai, Yen-Chu Lai, and Wen-Ru Hsu, along with their coach, Professor Shyh-Jer Chen, all hoped to make a dramatic entrance for NSYSU debut participation; alas, they were unable to grasp hold of the graduate title.

The 8th annual Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition[1] was hosted by the University of Vermont and had more than 240 competitors from all across the world spanning 5 continents. The competition was held in three rounds. In each stage, teams were issued a case study, involving a family enterprise, and were tasked to identify the problems and provide recommendations to solve them. In the first round, teams were given one month. Second, one week. And in the finals, 48 hours. 

The competition itself was a learning experience for all the students. It was the first time each of the students had done a case competition. And it was an experience that can take them to the outside world. Not only were they given real-world scenarios and tasked to provide reasonable solutions, they also experienced the world of family enterprises of all different cultures from Goldiee, Indian spice company, to Aldi, the German discounter giant. Yen-Chu mentioned, “I think the coolest part is being able to interact with expertise.”

Prior to the competition and between rounds, Professor Chen provided other sample case studies and requested assistance from other professors to help train Stan, Yen-Chu, and Wen-Ru on how to analyze family enterprises. And it worked, no one expected the students to reach the final round of the competition[2]. Lessons learned had paid off!

If NSYSU has the opportunity to participate in the competition next year, the team has some advice. Wen-Ru suggested, “I think time management is important, especially on the final run. Participants should pay attention to this. And, to read more family business cases is beneficial for analyzing.” Stan recommended, “Be consultants. Your job is to analyze the problems and provide reasonable solutions. Pretend that the judges are your clients.”

With NSYSU performance being such a great success, it is no doubt that Professor Chen is looking forward to next year’s competition and enthusiastic student competitors, interested in family enterprises, and is planning to make the school a prominent name in the family enterprise competition circle.

More Information:
The 8th Annual Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition(SG-FECC) Advancing Teams Announced Video
SG-FECC Finalists Video

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Ibmba Nsysu