國際經營管理學程96級 許迪威_岱稜科技總經理特助 IB96 David Hsu, Univacco Technology Inc.



Are you interested in IB graduates career after graduation? We had a chance to interview one of the IBMBA 96 graduates, David Hsu for the May E-paper. Let’s find out about his special career together.


David was construction engineering major in college, and also held a masters degree in construction engineering. David always wanted to explore the business world, so he decided to get a MBA degree to give himself a chance to know another world. David joined the ACT program of the IBMBA; through the program, he learned cross-cultural management, and travelled around Europe. David realized that as a Taiwanese, he knew little about Chinese industries and markets. Then he decided to be an exchange student in Xiamen University. Thanks to that decision, he got a chance to work in technology. David shares a line from Lin Hwai-Min (a world famous dancer from Taiwan)—the wandering experience gained when one is young would become his lifetime nutrition. Because of these overseas experiences, David got keys to open the door connected to the world. This is what the IBMBA gave him, and what he treasures the most.

迪威學長先在觸控大廠宸鴻光電科技股份有限公司擔任專案管理師工作,而後又到群創/奇美光電擔任業務經理,適逢奇美面板事業務部與觸控事業部分割的機會,轉任鴻海/富士康集團業務經理,在科技業完整的經驗,讓學長思索著下一步該如何發展,最後他選擇回到台灣,深耕傳產領域,目前他服務於製造光學薄膜的岱稜科技股份有限公司,任職總經理特助,迪威學長表示,可以回到家鄉,可以和家人一起生活,這是他現在最想要的,雖然是在傳產公司,但是這個產業的高毛利率,讓他可以不必複製從前cost down的產業循環,相對的,他可以專注在這家公司的產業轉型和創新,對於專業經理人而言,這是不可多得的好機會,也正是他目前最想做的事情。學長目前任職的岱稜科技公司雖然是傳統產業,卻是台灣的隱形冠軍之一!他們的產品行銷全球,公司規模做到同產業中的全球第二大,也因此他們需要世界各國的人才來行銷他們的產品。(小編:IB的外籍同學們可以注意看看這家公司的求才訊息)

David worked as a PM in TPK, and as a business manager for Innolux after that. He got a chance to work for Foxconn as a business manager because of the company’s business unit splitting. After all the years working in technology, David made a big decision about his life. He went back to his hometown and worked as a special assistant to the general manager in an optical film technology company (Univacco Technology). What means the most to David is to be with his family. Univacco’s good gross margin removes the stress of cost cutting. In this way, he can focus on industry transformation and innovation. Univacco’s products are exported all over the world, the company is the second in the industry. They need global talent to help sell their products in many countries (Foreign students may follow their recruiting information).


David left his hometown when he was 18, he saw many interesting things all over the world. After coming back to Taiwan, he realized that he knew little about this beautiful island. He stays close to his lovely hometown, Ma-do; trying to pick up the beautiful things he missed before. In his free time, David goes to NCKU EMBA to meet more people and explore new knowledge. David says, there are always new things to learn from different fields, we should keep learning and grow with time!

For more information about above mentioned companies, please check out below websites,
TPK ( http://en.tpk.com/)
Innolux (http://www.innolux.com/Pages%2fen%2fIndex_en.html)
Foxconn (http://www.foxconn.com/)
Univacco Technology (http://www.univacco.com.tw/index.php?lg=1)
【By Lena Liang and Helen Lin】

Ibmba Nsysu